1491, Charles C. Mann
1493, Charles C. Mann
The Age of American Unreason, Susan Jacoby
Big History, the Big Bang, Great Courses
The Blind Watchmaker, Richard Dawkins
The Burden of Southern History, C. Vann Woodward
The China Mirage, James Bradley
Doubt, a History, Susan Hecht
The End of America, Naomi Wolf
Faith vs. Fact, Jerry A. Coyne
The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins
God and the Folly of Faith, Victor J. Stenger
Goliath, Life and Loathing in Greater Israel, Max Blumenthal
History as Mystery, Michael Parenti
A History of White People, Nell Irvin Painter
How We Got to Now, Steven Johnson
The Imperial Cruise, James Bradley
King Leopold's Ghost, Adam Hochschild
The Korean War, a History, Bruce Cumings
Letter to a Christian Nation, Sam Harris
The Moral Landscape, Sam Harris
The New Jim Crow, Michelle Alexander
Revelations, Elaine Pagels
A Short History of Almost Everything, Bill Bryson
The Sixth Extinction, Elizabeth Kolbert
The Social Conquest of Earth, Edward O. Wilson
The Swerve, Stephen Greenblatt
The S Word, John Nichols
A Universe from Nothing, Lawrence M. Krause
The Universe Within, Neil Shubin
Why Does the World Exist?, Jim Holt
Why Evolution is True, Jerry Coyne
You Are Here, a Portable History of the Universe, Christopher Potter
Your Inner Fish, Neil Shubin
Underland, Robert Macfarlane
Entangled Life, Merlin Shelldrake
The Overstory, Richard Powers
Some Assembly Required, Neil Shubin
Arguing With Zombies, Paul Krugman
Natural Causes, Barbara Ehrenreich
Sapians, Yuval Noah Harani
Homo Deus, Yuval Noah Harani
The Brain's Way of Healing, Norman Doidge
The Body, Bill Bryson
You Don't Belong Here, Elizabeth Becker
Under World, Graham Hancock
America Before, Graham Hancock
Great Expectations, Charles Dickens
Mink River, Brian Doyle
Side Country, John Branch
Independence Square, Martin Cruz Smith
Palo Alto, Malcolm Harris
The Deficit Myth, Stephanie Kelton
Undeniable, Bill Nye
The Girl on the Train, Paula Hawkins
A Most Remakable Creature, Jonathan Melberg
A People's History of the United States, Howard Zinn
Meditations, Marcus Aurelius